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Dr. Friederike Jesse


1988-1991Study of Prehistoric Archaeology, History and Christian Archaeology in Freiburg, Cologne and Bonn
1991-1992Academic year in Aix-en-Provence, "Maîtrise d'histoire" with a thesis on "Les sites d'habitat au Mali et en Mauritanie au cours de l'Holocène"
1999PhD in Cologne with a thesis on "Wavy line Ceramics in Northern Africa with a special emphasis on Wadi Howar (Sudan) and the site Rahib 80/87"
1999-2000Travel grant of the Roman-Germanic Commission of the German Archaeological Institute
2000-2007Researcher in the collaborative research centre SFB 389 ACACIA at the University of Cologne
2008-12Head of the project desribed here

 Publications (pdf)



Contact details

University of Cologne

Institute of Prehistoric Archaeology

African Research Unit

Jennerstrasse 8

50823 Cologne

phone ++49 (0)221 - 55 66 80

fax ++49 (0)221 - 55 02 303



